
Orientation Day


I attended the Foster to Adopt ORIENTATION last night.  I have to say, I am pretty excited to finally be taking steps towards having a baby.  We are looking to adopt an infant up to 1 year in age.  At the Orientation they tried to scare me with horrid stories. Arrrr Once I got beyond the scary part, the social workers handed me a HUGE intimidating packet to fill-out.  Once we hand in our "completed packet," we will begin the 10 week classes for the Fos-Adopt program through CPS aka Child Protection Services. 

Time Table
Licensing    6 Months
Waiting period  5 Months
Honeymoon (waiting for adoption process to start)  5 Months
Adoption Process 1 Year
total time: 2 years 4 months (YIKES)

Right now this looks like our best opportunity, however, we are open to suggestions or options you may have.  If you know of anyone who needs help finding a mommy and a daddy for a baby, please let us know. Thank you.


Cousins and more Cousins

Southern California, Family Time! 

We all came together from North Dakota, Arizona, and Nevada to remember Grandma Frandsen and all that she was to us.  She was not only Nana, but babysitter, organ teacher, German instructor, referee, paparazzi, band groupie, queen cookie baker, rhubarb canning momma, pj seam stressed...and the occasional taxi driver (which was pretty risky). We love you Grandma Frandsen always and forever!!


Court Appointed Special Advocate

What is CASA and WHY do I want to fill my time with it?

  As I sat through yet ANOTHER baby shower for a sweet friend, I promised, by the NEXT baby shower, I would find a volunteer job to fill my heart.  I had to MOVE fast.....I often click through pictures of cute, chubby cheeked, smiley babies on Facebook, as well as pregnant mommas and fall into a slippery pit of depression.  I have been struggling with "what does God want us to do? Adopt or have our own babies?" I came to the END of myself and said, "that's it! we're going to start the adoption process and IF THAT isn't what God wants, we will KNOW."   I trust God will show us His will.  In the mean time, I have joined CASA to soak up my energy and my heart.  I like to think about our appointed advocate we have in heaven, talking on our behalf.

CASA means Court Appointed Special Advocates - which are trained community volunteers appointed by a judge as Officers of the court to be the "voice" for children in juvenile court, and to help them understand the process in way they would understand. In  California, there are 124,000 children in the foster system or institutions because of abused, neglected or abandoned by their families.  Eventually, they end up in court. Their only “crime” is that they have been victims. It is up to the judge to decide their future. Can you imagine? This broke my heart!
If you want to sign up or learn more about it...check out this website find CASA in your city: http://sacramentocasa.org/   The next orientation is July.

 The Big WHY?
 My attention will be focused on someone other than myself.
  Being an Advocate will give me sense of purpose.

My voice will be used for a  child, who's age is restricted in our court system, how rewarding is that? 
  I especially look forward to hearing a child's perspective.
The scary dark, judicial system will not be a mystery to me anymore. 
  I look forward to help a child find what he/she deserves such as a loving home, stability, and a sense of belonging. 


12 years of waiting....

We have waited 12 years to "expect" a child.  So, we decided to share 12 things we are looking forward to doing with our baby(s):

1. Kiss his/her face .
2. Smell his/her neck.
3. Whisper a million "I love yous" in his/her ears.
4. Rock her/him to sleep.
5. Feed him/her.
6. Check on him/her during nap time.
7. Pick-up him/her after nap time for some snuggles.
8. Help him/her with homework.
9. Go on a fishing trip with him/her.
10. Play games with him/her and going to baseball games.
11. Walk to the park with him/her.
12. Push him/her on the swings.



I am going to be an Auntie again October 28th!  Dawna's pregnant with baby number 2.  Is  it a Boy or a GIRL?


The Big Announcement

 The  Story:

    We were 19 and 20  when we had our New Millinium wedding and said "I do" We couldn't wait for  forever to begin. The things we knew back then would amaze you.  We knew all about protection: we took every precaution so we could to finish college and begin our careers before babies started showing up.  Tobad there wasn't an accident. Waiting 12 years to have kids has allowed us to travel, see the world a bit and become a closer couple.  So, maybe there wasn't an accidental childbirth, however we do have a strong bond between us.  I can honestly say, Chris is my bestfriend.  He's the first person I go to when I need a hug or to vent. We have had a lot of good times together and we have learned a lot from eachother. It seems natural to take the step to become parents. We both feel like a little something is missing from our lives.  Well, maybe this feeling isn't a "missing" feeling, but more of  a"needing something more".
     As I write this, I am planning to attend a babyshower for a friend.  I should have invested in Clear Blue back when my first girlfriend became pregnant.  For the past year to a year and a half we have been trying to get pregnant...and as you can see our results show NEGATIVE.  We have read a ton of books on how to do this.  Studying makes perfect scores right? Somehow, we haven't learned.  When we first started trying...we, um we...  thought I could only get pregnant on day 14 like a typical textbook girl.  I'll never for get when um, we, learned we could get pregnant on 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17,......  Good thing we read so many books.  Being informed is key. 
      First, we study then the tested.  I remember when we went in to be tested to see "what's wrong".  Why do we call that "wrong"?  The fertility clinic didn't find anything super "wrong" with us.  They claim we just need time.  A few months...and then they would like to do more intense testing and eventually artificial insemination, like a pig.  Why does getting pregnant consist of picking, prying and probing? It's interesting in the sense that the medical experts pick us apart to see "what's going on" and then they leave us to piece ourselves back together, like we are a puzzle. How humiliating and degrading this process has become.  Then of course, everyone wants to know the results of the tests. Well who wouldn't?
     My mind can't wrap itself around NOT carrying a baby for 9 months.  What do the little butterflies feel like or a baby's kick for the first time?  It's hard to think about never going through birthing pains; seeing my baby for the first time.  I'll never sit around the dinner table during girls night and discuss my deliveries, or compare my different pregnancies of carrying a boy versus a girl. I'll not understand what a true food craving is. Maybe that's a good thing.  What about heartburn? I've never experienced it, maybe I'll never experience it. Swollen ankles wont be apart of my worries.  I'll get to wear heels forever and never fear varicose veins. And it will always be swimsuit season.  There is a little part of me that says.."what if I am pregnant and I don't know it yet".  There is always a glimmer of a little hope that I wont squish out.
     That being said,  after 12 years of marriage, I can honestly say, we are ready to adopt.


Yes, I am thinking about cutting into the food line :) I am FAMISHED can't you tell that from my face?

Do you ever wonder what you look like during the wedding cerimony as a couple is saying their "I do's"? Maybe you don't... Here we are glaring at the wedding couple. haha No wonder they are so nervous.

A sneak peak...LOVE

Rachel and Ty's Special Love Day.

Here we are Husbandless at Ty and Rachel's wedding....ding ding... a year ago.  How can time fly that fast?  Chris probably had to stay home and work.....and Al was an usher. Notice my hair.  Yeah, great southern California weather to mess with my hair.   Christine's hair is perfect as always.

Here is my dear Great Grandma Schmedding being ushered by Al the Great Usher of All Time.

Al and Christine of La Jolla.  Also, known as my scuba instructer. 

I loved the details of Rachel's dress with the shockingly Red Lipstick shoes.  LOVE

The Old Wedding Dress

Tis the season......
I always thought it would be fun to have a tea party wearing our old wedding dresses.  I had visions of us sipping tea and admiring ourselves, laughing at how style has changed over the years.  So, I dug up my old dress....which consisted of a trip to North Dakota and rummaging through my mother-in-laws closet. Squeezed myself into the dress and found, TADA....I have grown in areas I am not mentioning.  Maybe next year we'll do the tea thing.

Brady and Ash's wedding...

Here we are at Brady and Ashley's wedding at the Red Barn in San Diego. It was soooo sweet to see my Chris pull out the Black Tie for such a special momentous occasion...and really it was all for me. But isn't it always? wait, don't answer.

The Guest Book Table was Dar-aling!

Aunt Debbie aka MOG being photographed by my mom. Loved her suite. Also, I'll point out that's Grandpa's old type writter.

Sherry Debbie and Karen (formally known as the Justus girls.)