
Annual Richtsmeier Vacation

All the crusty details....

We left our little farm in the damp rain and headed for Atlanta a day a head of our flight just so we could see old friends and new ones...
We drove through Chatanooga TN. It's the most beautiful drive. It reminded me of the Swiss Alps and Tahoe, without the snow or road closures. Not to mention CHAIn control...

We spent the night near the airport where we left our car and boarded the ✈.  We flew to Cancun and took a shuttle to our little Air B$B.  We like doing this trip with the WhOLE family and hope to do it in years to come. We stay in a tiny fishing village in Puerto Morales.

The 3 yr old wanted to know what Grammy was doing the whole time. She kept giving us snippets of conversations she will have with them. Such as, "I am gonna ask grandpa to take me to ice cream. Doinkey doinkey
Anyone know what Doinkey means?


Parenthood, doll houses and teddy bears

I read an old post that I didn't realize hadn't been posted. After reading it, I haven't taken a moment to post how greatful I am for all these little moments with these two precious babies God has given us. I am so thankful for this journey. I am thankful that we waited.
This December we celebrate our 16th year of marriage bliss (because life isn't so simple). It hasn't been perfect, however it's pretty sweet. I like that song..."God gave me you, for the ups and downs..."

1) the choice of staying home with our babies.
2) his Thai cooking skills rock
3) how he tries to make me smile
4) patience with the girls when he is explaining something for the millionth time
5) doll house maker, dream builder
6) Ruby likes his cheese shopping skills and always seems to finagle a toy out of it.
7) trip planner
8) chocolate candy sharer ( usually)
9) his amazing singing voice ( he can really sing!!)
10) optimistic outlook on life, always.
11) he hasn't met a stranger yet
12) I love all the talking in his sleep, it has entertained me our whole marriage.
13) the most amazing car fixer eva
14) you put the Earl in front of my Grey.
15) you put yourself before us.
16) lots and lots snuggles and book reading
17) you made all my dreams come true....with little big Thing 1 and Thing 2.